Phoebe Keever

Archive for July 18th, 2008|Daily archive page

Week 10: Mud Festival

In South Korea on July 18, 2008 at 4:08 am

***************Note*******************This journal was written for one of my higher level EFL classes (thus, I left out some great details). There was another entry written for week 10 but due to controversy I had to change it to a private post. If you would like to read the original posting, however, just let me know and I’ll email it to you.


(Unfortunately there are no flix to prove my coolness lolz b/c my friend brought his phone camera into the ocean. Don’t ask me why…)

July 2008 Elite / Genius Journal

Teacher: Phoebe

Title: MUD FESTIVAL 2008!

Crazy bohemians? Aborigines? Jungle people? Cave men? All of these sound legitimate to describe the thousands of grey blobs walking around. Can you imagine walking to the beach ready for some sand and surf, only to discover the beach has been taken over by grey bandits? Perhaps you would think the grey-speckled beach to be U.F.O.’s landing on Korea ‘s Oceanside . However, thousands of Koreans and foreigners have came from all ends of Korea to celebrate the Mud Festival 2008!

Last weekend Joseph Teacher and I took the KTX round trip to enjoy a day of this wonderfully muddy event! We went from the quiet, comfortable KTX train to a loud, wild, crazy fun-filled muddy adventure in Boryeong , Korea !

As soon as we put our swimming suits on and backpacks into the locker we went to every single attraction. Imagine this: a mud slide, a mud skiing experience, a mud prison, a mud cleansing pool (yes, cleaning yourself off with muddy water!), a mud bath, mud body painting, and mud wrestling. Because there were thousands of muddy people everywhere craving more and more muddy attractions, we were forced to wait in line for each mud slide for an hour. Nevertheless, the shot of adrenaline from going down a steep, tall slide was worth the wait.

My favorite mud attraction was most definitely the mud wrestling, and I have scrapes and bruises all over my body to prove it! Most of the men mud wrestling were big, strong military men, so it was a challenge to wrestle them into the mud. Of course, your Phoebe teacher won most of the time, though! The greatest thing for you is the mud festival event is 9 days long and this weekend is the last weekend; you can still go! I guarantee it’ll be the muddiest, funniest time you’ll have.

Describe–in essay format–a Korean festival you have attended. If you have never been to a festival, write about a place you have been that was crowded with people (for example, Gupo market, Jagalchi market, Nampo-dong market, etc.).