Phoebe Keever

Archive for July 19th, 2008|Daily archive page

Week 11: The most important thing in Korea…

In South Korea on July 19, 2008 at 1:19 pm

…is not a ‘thing’ at all, but my students! They are my reason for smiling everyday, for staying young, goofy and silly. Maybe my students will just vaguely remember me as another foreign teacher that dropped in K-town for a while. However, my students are my kids. I have the privilege of being their mentor, impression of America, a resource. I’m their teacher. 🙂 To me, they will be remembered as my lil korean kids, my first students at a real FT job; they are the gems that inadvertently changed my mindset towards kids. Since Korea, I love those little rascals! =D

FYI: haven’t been able to upload flix onto my webshot account for a month–and those flix are from 3 different cameras so I don’t think it’s a problem w the camera but instead my computer. I’ll try to upload flix during my lunch break from the work computer. I really want to share them with you! My kids are beautiful, cute, and silly geese!

June theme class: In the Subway

My Newton students look up to me. I’m their role model!

Cooking with Cindy and her mom

June field trip to a memorial. These are all the Kindrgardeners at Kookje where I work.

Laughing with Alice, one of my students during the open-house cooking class. In the background are the mountains/apts that surround my neighborhood.

My student Joe and his mother, Me, and my boss, Christine. She’s 8 months pregnant and still working 10 hour days!

The typical look-over-the-shoulder teaching style/look of mine.

The finished product made my the Mothers with the stuent’s help.

Getting messy in cooking class with nobel (so my school loves to take flix of cooking classes. I actually only teach cooking class two classes out of my 50 (!!!!!) classes taught per week.

My student, Charlie, was the winner for the best journal written in June. I am the foreign teacher and Joseph (R) is the Korean teacher. So each level in Elementary School has two classes per day–one from me and one from the Korean teacher.

Amy recording her Speaking test. Yeah, that’s me with the blue nails administering! lolz

Cindy-the youngest student-from Nobel class and I getting down n dirty in the cooking class. Nope, that’s not play-dough, that’s her cookie she smashed down.

July. Newton class is very intrigued by the cooking measuring scale.

Bess is always super ready. It’s so cute b/c she almost always shoots up her hand and yells out the (correct) answer. She’s a doll! I just love my Newton class. They’re amazing!

This flix really is a winner because I love to see my students so happy to be in class with me and making learning FUN!

Teacher and Newton class. They are 6 years old.

Artistic shot taken while Kitty kindly volunteered to wipe off the white-board.

July Birthday girl: Kate (from Newton class) cuting her 7th bday cake.

July Bday grls: Kate (my newton class) 7th; Nicoles (I also teach one class per day in Nicole’s Nobel class) 5th.