Phoebe Keever

Archive for August 4th, 2008|Daily archive page

Week 13: Elementary Academy Classes (and a few Kinder flix too^^)

In South Korea on August 4, 2008 at 4:18 am

Can’t help but throw in a few kinder flix as well; I love my kids….errr, students lolz.

That was Nicoles Bday in July. Can’t fight that-she was, afterall, HANDS OFF! Lolz

Reading/filling out Catch Book with Jace. (They hate catch book b/c it’s actual work.)


Intermediate II class during game day: Alice, Julie, Me, Betty, Lisa, and Lia. These girls were always well behaved and the first Elementary class I ever taught solo. So they hold a fond place in my lil <3. A cool thing: I got to “name” my first student: BETTY. Pre-motherhood–chosing names. It was great.

Pre-Beg class showing off what they did that day in class. This is my biggest class–usually 12 students large. Yet of the 12, it’s just that one class clown that much of my attention focuses on. My discipline method? Humiliation. It works. I mock what the student does (usually looks like I am having a seizure) while whining. The students understand the body language and bust up luaghing and saying “Phoebe teacher funny teacher.” It’s actually pretty fun putting the kid on blast and he’s also put in his place from the embarrassment. Lol See!? Teaching IS fun!

And you thought by their faces they were all sweet lil angels? Haha some are ghetto, too, as you can see one girl giving you BOTH the fingers. This is my oldest class. They are “Elite.” Preteens and young teens. I keep things fresh in the class. The class book is definately covered and taught properly, but I throw in slang on the regular so they know how talkin’ really goes down back home. I love telling them about NYC, especially, since NYC has mad slang and the great accent too (well, the older generation).

Advanced II. Class full of boys. Need I say more? haha but on the real they are a good group of boys, just have to give them their play time so they can release all that built up energy. FUN STUFF. Keepin it real over here,
