Phoebe Keever

Archive for January, 2009|Monthly archive page

Week 38: “Seoul-ar” New Year 2009 – Year of the Ox, Baby!

In South Korea on January 29, 2009 at 4:16 am

It’s my year…gonna be a good one! 🙂 Snowed in Seoul-not common. Everything on my “checklist” was accomplished and it was the first stress free time I’ve had in Seoul (and I often frequent this capital city).


Woke up Sabbath morn’ to a snowy Seoul!


Natural Self caught on camera. A miracle-no posing!


Tina, my Aussie church sister, hosted me during Seollar New Year weekend. Tina is an excellent host; don’t worry, I took notes for when it’s your turn ;).

When Sabbath ended, Tina’s Korean friends and I headed to the ice rink! The trek to the subway station alone was freezing, esp. with strong wind gusts.  Seoul ice skating rink just off the City Hall subway exit.


Skiing was a good experience, but gotta admit that I prefer ice-skating. The cold is manageable, and I can ice-skate at this rink 60 times for the same price of skiing for one day. Plus, ice skating is romantic…so of course I’d be a sucker, right? Being that I froze when I first got on the ice, having dudes grab my hand and then drag me along on the ice while they did all the work was nice. keke :-O


This is my “southern comfort” right here: $17 for a bean and cheese burrito. Yo they just don’t have burritos in Ktown (aka Korea). Sorry but Taco Bell Bean and Cheese still does the trick for me. Plus it’s a buck…but whatever…these days I’m missing mom’s home cooking and am spending increasing amounts of Korean Won to get a taste of home. Mom–when I come home–get ready. I’mma kill it all: scalloped potatoes, mushroom gravy on top of toast, potato pancakes, strawberry shortcake, blueberry muffins, REAL cheesecake none of this imitation wannabe “NY cheesecake” (OK…I’ll buy that from ‘Juniors’ restaurant in NYC not at home), homemade Spaghetti…dude, stop me now. lolz.  MUCH LOVE. I’m Out. ❤ Phoebe*

Week 37: Health (Results)

In South Korea on January 19, 2009 at 3:35 pm

Thanks for all your concern and prayers since returning from the Kenya Christmas mission trip. The test results are in:

  • Tuberculosis (via chest Xray): Negative
  • HIV: Negative (wasn’t worried about this one 😉
  • Hepatitis: Negative
  • Malaria: Negative
  • Liver: Acute inflammation
  • Dermatology: Rosacea, Sebhorric Dermatitis
  • Cervical Cancer: Negative
  • Eye exam: Besides being nearsighted, fine.
  • Diagnosis: Neutrophilic leukocytosis

Regarding the liver, Dr. says it’s probably from my cold I’m now almost recovered from. Problem is, I don’t fancy ‘probablys’ when it comes to my health. I like to KNOW.

Regarding Neutrophilic Leukocytosis, that’s a fancy way to say there’s an increased # White Blood Cells. This could be from:
i. infection (recovering from cold)
ii. cancer (don’t think so)
iii. drug intake (took copious amounts prescription meds from Dr. week prior)
iv. eating a large meal (heck no, I was hungry!)
v. stress (definitely)

Regarding Rosacea and Sebohric Dermatitis, I’m down to 4 prescription pills a day and a B complex vitamin. On 3 prescriptions but the good news (i guess) is they are all dermatologist Rx’s. All the heavy pollutants and hard water in South Korea have caused my skin to throw a fit and become hypersensitive! However, many say skin reflects overall health, so…

Who knows. Guess just keep on praying 🙂

Week 36: Skiing

In South Korea on January 13, 2009 at 5:24 am


On my way up to another adventure: skiing for the first time. Freezing albiet excited!


Turning a flip-fall into a photo op, keke.


It’s hard to ski on flat land. So one of the ppl that came on the ski trip to Muju resort, David, volunteered to drag me in the snow and ice.  How sweet….phhhfffttt muah ha ha ha. ‘Twas fun.


SDA group to hit the slopes: Me (aka freezing cold/toes are blocks of ice/where’s the tissue?), Bob Snell (from the USA but living in S Korea as a professor and married to a Korean woman), Christine (Piano player at the church, korean), and David (teacher from S Africa)

Muju resort. Muju, S Korea.


On the way to the top, On the ski lift. It took about 40mins before I decided I needed to take off the glove to snatch a flix. It was just so freezing it was a daunting task. I look snug and warm but it’s a deceptive smile…I was hella cold!


Decided during the freezing day that Skiing and snowboarding may be fun and even ferosously sexy, but the sport is a) too expensive for my penny pinching lifestyle and b) too flippin’ freezing for me to mesh. At this point my lips went numb…there was a lisp when I spoke!

Week 35: Kenya Mission Trip

In Africa on January 6, 2009 at 7:53 am

Since middle school I wanted to serve in Africa. A 3rd world doctor’s story touched me deeply; people walked miles and miles to see the doctor and one woman attempted to pay the doctor with her most valuable possession, a family heirloom. The deep appreciation and humility the woman demonstrated converted my childhood dream of ‘becoming a doctor’ to ‘being a doctor in a third world country.’

I followed that dream through Pre-med my freshman year of college. After a school year of struggle and summer to figure things out and pray, the result became clear: I did not know what I would become, but more than ever I knew I was to serve. The appeal of serving in 3rd world Africa was still present, but the woman I’ve always turned to for support–my mom–laughed and said, “they don’t need psychologists in Africa, Phoebe, they need doctors!” Burn. My course of study changed, but my dreams did not.

Attending this mission trip to Africa and being elected ‘speaker’ gave me great responsibility, as much as it did flexibility. My previous opportunity of being an HIV prevention and health educator that crumpled beneath my feet was now solid. The stress from dozens of sheets of paper to study, presentations to compile, and worries of my messages being accepted melted away once I was in front of the 100+ crowds of Kenyans eager to hear the message. Praise the LORD and thanks for all your prayers and (for non-religious or Christians friends) well-wishes.

Check out the flix on (mainly) the mission trip folder of my webshots photo page:

The schedule

Morning- Vacation Bible School (VBS)

Noon- Door to door evangalism (meaning health clinic)

Night- Health Seminar

My role/ responsibility


There was so much prep work to make the health presentations I felt like a student again and marvelled in awe by the fact that I wrote in 1 month wrote 2 theses totalling 50 pages, with little to no sleep. I balanced my FT job, prep for VBS children stories and health seminars. The scripture, “God will not test you beyond your strengths” or something to that affect was comforting. The schedule of programs I made:

Day 1

1.For God so loved the World He gave His only begotten Son that whosoever believeth in Him would not perish but have everlasting life. -John 3:16

VBS: Christmas

Health Seminar: Malaria



Day 2

2. Do unto others as you shall have them do unto you (The Golden Rule). -Luke 6:31

VBS: Daniel and the Lions Den

Health Seminar: Hand Washing



Day 3

3. I have learned to be content whatever the circumstances. -Philippians 4:11

VBS: Personal story of (not) becoming a doctor.

Health Seminar: Tuberculosis



Day 4

4. Thy word is a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path. -Psalms 119:105

VBS: David and Goliath

Health Seminar: HIV/AIDS, Teeth brushing



Day 5

5. You shall love your neighbor as yourself. -Matthew 22:39 b

VBS: The Good Samaritan.

Health Seminar: Asthma


Day 6

6. I can do all things through Him who strengthens me. -Philippians 4:13

VBS: Noah’s Ark

~Love story about believing in each other. Q. How do we change the world?

A: One Act of Random Kindness at a time. (Video clips: ch.6-after congress to “one ARK @ time.’ / ch. 15 To everyone running on ARK. / rewind from ch. 18 to “God” under three talking to Evan.)

Week 34: Christmas in KENYA

In Africa on January 3, 2009 at 7:57 am

Kenya has the most beautiful night sky I’ve ever seen. The milky way was just overhead and the stars were so close they sky seemed 3-D. Kenya is a beautiful country, with people to match. I quickly became obsessed with waving to every passer-byer; 19: 20 Kenyan’s waved back and smiled genuinely. Coming from the city we can’t do that without being referred to the psyche ward. Nice change.

Anyways, of the 500 flix and 50 vids I chose the best of for you, my love. Check out the videos on my youtube page:

I’m back, but I’m sick. Going to the doctor to find out what’s going on with me. Coming from an underprivileged region where malaria, Tuberculosis, contaminated dirty water, HIV/AIDS, etc. are abundant, you bet with my no-good symptoms I’m going to get checked up thoroughly. Will let you know the results.