Phoebe Keever

Archive for January 3rd, 2009|Daily archive page

Week 34: Christmas in KENYA

In Africa on January 3, 2009 at 7:57 am

Kenya has the most beautiful night sky I’ve ever seen. The milky way was just overhead and the stars were so close they sky seemed 3-D. Kenya is a beautiful country, with people to match. I quickly became obsessed with waving to every passer-byer; 19: 20 Kenyan’s waved back and smiled genuinely. Coming from the city we can’t do that without being referred to the psyche ward. Nice change.

Anyways, of the 500 flix and 50 vids I chose the best of for you, my love. Check out the videos on my youtube page:

I’m back, but I’m sick. Going to the doctor to find out what’s going on with me. Coming from an underprivileged region where malaria, Tuberculosis, contaminated dirty water, HIV/AIDS, etc. are abundant, you bet with my no-good symptoms I’m going to get checked up thoroughly. Will let you know the results.