Phoebe Keever

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Week 42: Goodbye Hwamyeong, Goodbye Busan, Goodbye…for now.

In South Korea on February 24, 2009 at 1:08 pm

The past week has been a week of “goodbyes.” Saturday was “the big day.” The last Sabbath at Seomyeon SDA, I was asked to give the children’s time story. They heard about David and Goliath, with the emphasis on Philippians 4:13, “I can do all things in Him who strengthens me. ” Rushing to Deokcheon by subway and taxi, I emceed the finale end-of-the-year Kindergarten presentation, followed by the end-of-the-school-year dinner with coworkers. Next to my house to scrub the garlic breath out of my mouth, then back in transit about 40 mins. to Yeonsan-dong, where a friend and I had a night out on the town. WOWZA! These days I’m learning more about Korea’s underground culture. Since Koreans are experts at saving face and masking not-so-pretty, not-so-normal, not-so-accepted, ta-bu ways…it is just recently I began to find out about the whole sub-culture. The fact it exist definitely gives (more) culture shock. Moving along…Sunday had ‘the last supper’ with a family I’ve became close to.

42 weeks later, the time has come to say goodbye. Goodbye Kookje Academy (KJC); Goodbye free school lunches; Goodbye cozy apartment; Goodbye quiet, nice apartment-complex cleaner; Goodbye sweet, humble KJC cleaner; Goodbye Hwamyeong-dong; Goodbye Seomyeon SDA church family; Goodybe to 40min. Subway rides on line 2; Goodbye to Sundays at Lotte Department Store and Chun family time; Goodbye to the forced daily runs to avoid arriving late to work ^^; Goodbye Newton Love (see week 39 for Newton Dedication);  Goodbye Kindergartners, Goodbye to the Elementary students I’ve taught for many months; Goodybe to enforcing the rules Phys. Ed style; Goodbye to student’s tattle-telling, “Teacher! ‘x’ spoke korean! hahaha ‘x: 10 push ups!”; Goodbye Juan-jong-nim and the slim-line spa each night after work (BTW I did loose a few pounds during the 3 months there); Goodbye to the 8 and 10 flights of stairs taken daily to reach my apartment and work, respectively; Goodbye to the sweet ladies at the sweet shop (no pun intended); even a Goodbye to backstabbers who complained to my boss instead of speaking to me directly; Goodbye to the past 10 months of crazy changes and workplace drama; Goodbye spa girls (went 44 times. came out to $3.40/treatment. not bad, not bad^^); Goodbye late nights of surfing the net or doing anything BUT sleep (next job STARTS at 7am–I may die in the next two months. If so, you’ll know why…this cat aint no mornin’ girl); Goodbye chingus…..goodbye, goodbye, goodbye. The good thing is since I’ll still be in the country, I can avoid the ‘goodbye’ most times and instead use the “see you next time” phrase. Much more pleasant. Still, my eyes have glossed over a few times as soon as the people who I’ve made connections with and I lighten up the grip on the big, bear hug and turn away. I usually turn–or run–away before they see tears fall.

Let me be the first to tell you, however, that this isn’t the end. The Ktown Saga continues! The S. Korean visa doesn’t expire until April 30th 2009. I signed up for a year and one trait I am proud of is being faithful and loyal, ie. I keep my word to the best of my ability. Next week will be the surprise of WHERE in the country I will be (as it is, I’m not even fully sure where I will be next week!)

Week 41: Clearing my Head

In South Korea on February 17, 2009 at 10:52 am

2/09 Thoughts, by Phoebe Keever*

Lately I’ve been thinking. What’s new, right? There are many different thoughts floating around up there, so in attempts to clear my hand and express myself in some sort of logical order, I will write.

The face of Christianity.Remembering back to middle school, when I took my first baptismal classes around age 12, I chose to not get baptized. Not because I did not want to be a Christian, not because I thought religion was wrong, not because I was too young, but because hypocrisy repulsed me. Looking around my church, considering the little I knew about the members lives and how they chose to live it out frankly, was appalling for the most part. Why would I want to baptize myself into a church that only takes what they want out of the Bible to convenience their own lifestyle? That is not what being a Christian is about. I had an idea that baptism was entering into sainthood, that my standard was high: I was to hold myself up close to perfection.

In fact, because I had that idea and because no churches I visited upheld to my standard, it was many years before I got baptized. 7 years after my initial baptismal class, I finally devoted myself to Jesus Christ at the SDA church, that preached the Bible and took it seriously–in its entirety. This month marks the 4thyear since getting baptized; my relationship with God has definitely became stronger (although, due to my own actions, has it’s ups and downs). More so, my faith is now unwavering. I believe in God and His son, Jesus Christ. I believe in the Spirit and I believe the Bible is God’s Divine word.

The reason I was able to get baptized, though, was because I realized my baptism is a commitment I make with God. It’s about our relationship. It’s not about other people and what they are doing right or wrong. It’s about becoming a better person, about keeping my own self in line and about being mindful about what it means to be a Christian. In one word, I’ll always sum it up to: LOVE.

I have to admit something, and the realization hurts. Although I love my relationship with God, although I dream of loving people and having that love reciprocated, although I want to share my faith with people around the world, and although I go on mission trips, doesn’t mean I’ve been living a life of love. This is my confession: I blew up, I flew off the handle, I went off the deep-end the other day. Before, I would have pointed the finger, blamed the other person, thus, justifying myself. Now, however, I can’t do that anymore. I take full responsibility for my actions. Today, I more fully, more deeply realized that what you do is a reflection of you; how I react is a reflection on myself. It’s not about what he or she did, it’s about how I respond. As a person who claims Christianity and wants to work for the Lord, I am ashamed by my immediate responses to situations that provoke my darker side: I haven’t been greeting the darker circumstances with Love. I feel remorse, shame, and disappointment with self.  I became the hypocrite I once turned up my nose at. Don’t worry, Karma came around.

Faith and Love. Love is commonly accepted. Regardless of age, gender, religion, or race, everyone understands and appreciates love. Even though love is not an object you can hold, everyone knows love exists. We believe in love because we’ve all been witness to its power. While love is not something that can be seen directly, we do, however, see love’s affects. With love, people’s lives change. Frowns turn into smiles.  Darkness becomes light. Depression melts away. Love conquers all. We all know this. I was fortunate enough to be shown that Love is God, that God is Love.

On the same line, it perplexes me how Love is understood by all, yet faith is constantly challenged. How can you believe in that which you cannot see?Well, how can you believe in love that you cannot prove? The answer to both questions are the same: even if it goes beyond the 5 senses, it can be felt. Even if one can’t put their hand out and touch it, it’s existence is still known. While I can’t see God in a human form, my faith ignites each time I see His artwork–the wind blowing through the trees, the ocean’s horizon, the stars in the endless sky. Believing is the only answer that makes sense to me. Love is much the same way. When I have the honor to share my love–although not even an inkling of God’s love–my life becomes meaningful, with purpose.

Winter in the Spring and Spring in the Winter.This month has been marked by changes. There are lots of things that are coming to an end. Fortunately, with ends come new beginnings. We are still in Winter, but Spring is coming fast. Even when Spring comes, that doesn’t mean we wont be faced with the burdens of Winter. Either way, the changes taking place or about to take place are exciting. I pray that I will learn from each experience before it ends, and that I can show the face of a Christian, marked by love, with the new beginnings that have been blessed before me. Like a prayer, I’ll close this writing with a sigh and an ‘Amen!’

Week 40: K-boys n’ da Boss

In South Korea on February 9, 2009 at 1:43 pm

People come, people go. Strangers are momentary, family is forever, and friends are somewhere in between. Remember the ‘ol friendship song? It really does ring true.

Make new friends, but keep the old

Some are silver and the others are Gold.

As one of my ‘Gold’ friends pointed out, some are tin-foil…lol…they aint even friends. Is tin foil on the period table? keke “Hi haters”

The more I travel, the more I see, the more I realize. Some Korean boys, who I call “mah K-boys” at Friday night vespers (at church) befriended me for whatever reason. Even if it’s a passing friendship, or one that simply lasts during this time in Korea then fades into a good memory, a friend is always treasured.


First time we met….Marc and I went to get our dance on and we met up with his student, Eddy. When Marc went home to hit the hay, the boys stayed with me the rest of the night and waited until the subway was up and running again at 6AM so they could safely see me off. The boys had my back since the beginning.


Eddy and Kevin seeing me off on the 6AM subway.

the-boss-n-her-boys K-boys (= Korean boys)

the-boss-n-her-boys1…n da boss, as they named me.


This guy! Johnny’s always making ppl lolz. This is a miracle flix, too, b/c his trademark flix is his mouth open super wide but I caught the true smile on camera! kk

dec-all-nighter-w-the-boys-2 Impersonating Johnny’s classic face.


K-boys and the boss group flix: Kevin, ‘Pb’ as they came to call me, Eddy and Johnny in a coffee house.

deep-eddy deep-kevin candlelit-pb-4 always-silly-johnny Deep…and then…forever silly Johnny.


Last night all 4 of us were together.

After this night…

chamchi-jiggae …I left on the Kenya mission trip. They were so bummed we were separating they came over and cooked “Johnny’s specialty: Chamchi jiggae” (tuna soup). Mashitsoyo. Even though I would return from the mission trip, sometimes you can just sense “a last time.” Worriedly I asked, “wait, this isn’t our last time together is it? We’ll meet again, right?” Despite the confirmative reply, the emotional big bear hug received as we parted ways was enough to answer my question: “Actions speak louder than words.”


…By the time I came back from Kenya, Johnny had left to study English in the Philippines.


… Eddy moved back to his hometown for work two days after this flix. He came to say that phrase I really dislike, “goodbye,” and be my personal chef one last time. Here he delighted our taste buds with Bi Bim Yeong.


…Kevin moved to Tazmania Feb 3rd to continue his studies in English.

Perhaps life is full of “hellos” and “goodbyes.” There’s always going to be the excitement of a budding relationship until the bittersweet ending; nevertheless, it’s what happens between those two moments in time that forever marks our hearts and imprints our minds’ memories. K-boys, it was good while it lasted.

Love always,

The ‘boss’ / Pb

Week 39: Newton Dedication

In South Korea on February 6, 2009 at 5:39 am

The end of this month marks the end of the school year, or in other words,  the end of Newton class. Newton class is comprised of nine students, but one heart. When little fights amongst students occur,  I console them while reminding them “we are Newton Love.”

What is Newton Love? Newton Love is the respect we have for one another. Newton Love is being gentle and and nice to each other. Newton Love is being helpful, polite, and forgiving. Usually there are “the good kids” and “the bad kids” in every class. Newton, on the other hand, has no “bad kids.” I was blessed when I came to Korea and received Newton class as my head class, where I was their only foreign teacher at that time.

Connections. We are ‘Newton Love.’ We are ‘Newton Flowers.’ They quickly came to enjoy chugging down glasses of H2O so they can grow into Newton Flowers. ‘Milk Time’ became quite the popular event. This milk is no ordinary milk, this milk is ‘Sleeping Milk.’ Once the pint of milk is consumed and the carton disposed of, they return to their seats and like magic, fall asleep. Yep, snoring and everything. If all my Newton Flowers fall asleep, they get an extra ‘bedtime story’ bonus. Inside jokes like these, that Newton students are so responsive to  (mainly due to an overactive imagination just like their teacher) that created a special connection between us.

I love my Newton students. If this fact is not apparent, then I don’t know the meaning of love. Since middle or high school, I decided I wanted to adopt a child and have a biological child. From the beginning of Newton, I (privately) knew that if anything, God forbid, happen to their parents and family, I’d adopt them in a heartbeat.

Originally, I wanted to write a personal dedication for each one of them but now realize I’d never finish with the dedications. Every time I get the chance to mention my Newton class, my eyes shine brightly and my smile radiates.  Newton students–Amy, Bess, Cathy, Cindy, David, Emily, Eva, Kate and Kitty–have been my reason for getting out of bed in the morning, my sunshine on rainy days, my ‘afternoon lift’ when my energies were running low and the happiness I could always look forward to even when exterior situations were trying to bring my spirits down. newton-love-teacher-cindy-emily-ev-kitty-amy-kate-david

A favorite Newton-Teacher flix: Teacher Phoebe*, Cindy, Emily, Eva,  Kitty, Amy, Kate, David.


5 of the 9 Newtons. Teacher’s smile can’t get much bigger than this. They are my sunshine during the day 🙂


All 9 Newtons and Andre on a FREEZING horrible field trip…we stood at the playground all day in the blisstering cold. Was expecting to see horses. Anyways, I was still with my Newton flowers, so it’s all good.


Cindy, Teacher, and Amy: all extroverted, warm, loyal LEOS!


Birthday Celebrations: Kate, Bess, Emily, Kitty, Cindy, David


Bess, Kitty, Emily and David giving Teacher some luv back in the day.


Young Love: David and Amy (my Korean partner teacher told me he actually does have a crush on her)


Picture taken by: Teacher Phoebe*


The first month in Korea cooking with my new class.


Emily has a spark in her eyes that reminds me of my own self. She get’s so excited with learning new things…but don’t think she’s naive…she still has a fiery temper and is never afraid to speak her mind or tell someone not to come at her a certain way lolz.


My students give me hugs even while I’m putting that red ink on their paper…


Depending on the week, I’ve wanted to adopt each one of my Newton students. Man, they are gonna have an extra special place in my little heart for eternity.


“Summer days, when the living’s easy…” – Sublime

cimg0002 Hugs, hugs, and more hugs! Love coming into work and as soon as my Newton kids see me, they run to me with their arms open wide screaming, “teacher!”

me-kitty-and-emily cimg0018 Don’t they just kill ya with their cuteness!? ^^

cimg0538Chuseok cimg0536 Kate cimg0535 Cathy at first didn’t even speak. Now she shouts.


They knew high fives. I taught them to ‘give me some dat’. In the end, though, they’ll turn around with their sweet smiles and throw up “Peace Out.” and just like that I’ll become a memory of their Foreign Kindergarten teacher, but they will have unknowingly stole my heart.

Thank you for the past 10 months. I hope each student will carry with them the little life lessons I passed on–always wash your hands with soap…sharing is caring…we don’t want to fight each other, we want to love each other…only take what you need…be thankful for your food…creating excess garbage harms our environment…–as I will always carry the memory and spirit of Newton Love.