Phoebe Keever

Archive for March, 2009|Monthly archive page

Week 46: Andong Village

In South Korea on March 25, 2009 at 9:23 am

Last weekend I needed to get away. Korea has many public transportation options at affordable prices which makes weekend mini-vacations a can-do. There are many reasons I felt the need to “get away.” As you know, I’ve transitioned the same kind of job (teaching the little ones) but with a different company. As much as I love the big city, living in one of the biggest cities in the world begs for a breather. Thus, for the first time, I hit up Korea’s country side.



Snow in March! Andong area.


Nature’s Beauty.


Andong Village. This village is about 600 years old and is very famous for being a traditional village in Korea. In October Andong becomes alive during the mask festival.


Sepia tone–very classic

img_2433 Andong Lake was/is famous…but is now all dried up. Guess it’s that global warming. Do your part, individuals, and recycle, save the water, etc.


Rock Formations of Andong Lake, South Korea.

It was a pleasant weekend. While I don’t hope for continuous chaos which begs for a breather, I do hope to take more mini-vacations and explore ancient ruins, fortresses, and big, beautiful, or spooky caves. Hope you are able to take a mini-vacation and breather as well. Especially in the USA, I know things are tough with the recession. Take care my friends. Love, Phoebe*

Week 45: Religion Class

In South Korea on March 20, 2009 at 6:02 am




Me, Justine, and Tina at an SDA event. Gone bonkerz!


Some of the new SDA missionary teachers from my orientation group. Most of the missionaries are from South Africa and the USA.

Until now, I had never taught class to adults, let alone a religion class. Even though my relationship with God and faith have improved since leaving Hawai’i and coming to Korea, the thought of leading a religion class and being an ‘official missionary’ was scary!

In addition to teaching Kinderest, this week religion class started. There are 11 students in their 20’s, all eager to (first) improve their English and (second) learn more about Christ. The next 5 weeks we will take a look at “Faith, Hope, and Love.”

Class starts off with an opening prayer and usually consists of some side-story (it’s not hard to distract me! lolz). Then we dive into material I have prepared. Personal stories and doctrine alternate each day. In my opinion, it’s important for a student to know who their teacher is, what their character is like, and give respect to get respect. Thus, I have shared some personal faith testimonies and will do the same for hope and love topics. After explaining the story, reviewing vocabulary, and breaking up into small groups for discussion questions, we close with prayer.

There is tons of prep work for this class (defining words from each sentence take a long time!). The good news, though, is I am no longer scared. On the contrary, I’m prepared. Well, hope my students lives are touched with faith, hope, and love of Christ. Amen.

Week 44: Winter Update

In South Korea on March 10, 2009 at 9:40 am

December 1, 2008 – February 28, 2009

Any First Times?


The infamous question, WHERE R YA?!

  • Surprise! February 25th I moved to SEOUL, SOUTH KOREA. Aside from Oregon, I managed to stay in Busan, South Korea longer than any other city or country I’ve lived in, coming in at 10 months. Even when I speak the very, very few Korean words I know, Seoulites laugh saying “Ahhhh she’s a Busan girl! Country talk! So cute!” Being ‘cute’ is a very, very good thing in Korea, so I just smile and suck up the attention (although being a country bumpkin is not so cool to these city Seoulites). kk ^^ (kk = lol / jaja; ^^= 🙂 in East Asia).


  • You’re right, but God’s plans are different from our own plans…and always better plans than our own (and my plans are pretty awesome! kk) Throughout the past year I looked into working with my church, SDA, as a missionary teacher but it could never happen for one reason or another. So I stopped trying. God usually opens up doors at “the last minute,” in the nick of time…probably a test of faith or challenging me to develop my patience ( ). Anywho, if it’s possible for me to make a long story, short: After 9 months the new boss made a proposal and I took it. March 1st starts the new school year and she wanted the organize KJC from it’s state of disorder. (She would later tell me there wasn’t enough kids enrolled to keep Kindergarten open in March–it’s Saving face, a historic Korean custom). Thus, KJC kinder was closing and wanted to have a teacher the whole year as opposed to 2 different teachers in one school year. Whatever the motive, I jumped up and thanked God as soon as I got home. As much as I love Newton students( ), they were splitting up the new March school year; it was time to say “goodbye” to Korea.
  • Korea? OOPS. That’s what I thought. Was gonna travel SE Asia and China for 8 months. God had other plans for me. Usually, I fight Him and try to do my own thing. This time, however, I said, “OK God, I’m not even gonna try to fight you and see where we end up.” Paperwork, transcripts, visas, passports, transferring….it all went surprisingly smooth. Obviously, God wanted me in Korea as a missionary at the church. With 2 months left ’til the Korean working visa expires, I agreed to becoming a FT adult English teacher. Nevertheless, God is full of surprises (and I thought I was adventurous!)
  • Not sure from whom, but a lot of pastors and staff at S. Korea SDA headquarters heard a lot of (good) things about me. Specifically, the word spread I worked with Kinder kids in Busan. Sahmyook offered individual housing if I would take the 6 month Kindergarten position (SDA missionaries live with roommates). Still not trying to fight God (c’mon, who likes losing??), I accepted the position under the condition my little sister could live with me for a month or two, and that I would reunite with my mom in Vietnam. “OK, we’ll work with you,” was the reply.


Week 43: Out With The Old, In With The New

In South Korea on March 4, 2009 at 11:03 am

Last week was “good byes,” this week is the first week of SPRING…everything is popping up new. You–“my peoplez” –been asking me what’s goin’ on!? Seems like there are alot of things happening over there in Ktown.Here’s da 4-1-1 for shizzle my nizzle:


  1. Kookje Academy (KJC) Teacher / Samyook (SDA) Missionary
  2. Hwamyeong-dong, Busan, S. Korea / Hoegi, Seoul, S. Korea
  3. Someone who stole my heart / Rebound
  4. Working for a paycheck / Working for the Lord.
  5. Leaving Korea after 1 year (May 7) / Leaving Korea after close to 1-1/2 years (Sept 9)
  6. Plan to travel SE Asia 6 months alone this summer / Plan to fly my sister to Korea 1 1/2 months to be together this summer
  7. Having my faith mocked in the workplace / Praying with my students
  8. Being served my “vegetarian” school lunch with Pork (not considered meat by many) / Serving only vegetarian school lunch to the students (even SDA who eat meat abstain from Pork, considered the most unclean meat by many)
  9. My own, individual studio apt. / Shared guest house (3 weeks time will receive my own brand, spanking new apt. It’s currently being built)
  10. 40min. subway ride to church / live at the SDA institute
  11. Working under headquarters / Working at headquarters (Hoegi, Seoul is main branch SDA institute; there are 5 churches on Hoegi “campus” alone!)
  12. Teaching in 12 different classrooms / Having a homeroom class
  13. Phoebe Teacher / Ms. Phoebe*
  14. Always being the only Phoebe at my school…and proud of it! / Sharing my name with a Korean teacher (there are only 8 teachers at my school–what are the odds!?)…and annoyed ‘Phoebe’ looses its unique status 9 hours a day.
  15. Having freedom over my personal time / Having a curfew
  16. 1 year contract / 6 month contract
  17. Living in the 2nd biggest city in Korea (4.5million) / Living in one of the biggest cities in the world (~20million)
  18. Prioritizing travel / Prioritizing family!!!
  19. Teaching Kinder & Elementary / Teaching Kinder & 1 religion class (to adults)
  20. Grubbin’ on sweets before Mardi Gras / No sugar for lent…no artifitial sweets 40 days until Easter
  21. Doing my will / Doing the Lord’s will
  22. Serious culture shock (first 5 monhts) / Completely adapting into culture of Korea


Lavender in Spring.