Phoebe Keever

Week 49: Black Day, White Day, Valentines Day

In South Korea on April 16, 2009 at 3:37 am

Each country has variations of certain things; one such thing being Valentines day. If you’re thinking, “Hello, that was two months ago Phoebe!” No worries…I always bring it back around.

Valentines Day. February 14th. Unlike in the USA where gifts are exchanged between people, in South Korea Valentines Day is a time for women to show their appreciation to their honey. Dudes just kick back and enjoy being showered with love.

White Day. March 14th. Specific to South Korea. Dudes: Don’t think you’re were getting off the hook – It’s payback time! The guy is suppose to give their girl little candies. Personally, I prefer something a little more personal than candy, but I have no room to complain since I didn’t get anything anyways!

BLACK DAY. April 14th. As if Valentines isn’t already depressing enough (if you’re single)…and if you don’t get any ‘candies’ on White Day, this day is for the misfits, the loners, the left out…it was my day. Black Day is for those who received nothing. These people go eat Jajamyeon, aka Black Noodles. I personally love these noodles so will find any reason to grub on them. Black day happened to fit the Bill.


Now, I would like to make a clarification. Valentines Day some (ex) special person was lucky enough to get showered with tokens of love. However, since I received no gift, Black day is still for me. So, want noodles?

  1. well, you know me and my old toothless, broken-down glasses hag self would be eating black noodles day in and day out!!! Nothing for Valentine’s day this year, not even from Shani!!! Which I normally only get anything from one or another of you kids, but this year not even that!!! I am a black-noodle loser woman for sure. And do you know what? Today I got all the way out of the driveway (but fortunately no further) and had forgotten my teeth!!! If I’d been too far I wouldn’t have had time to go back, so THANK GOD I remembered before it was too late!!!!!
    So you know some people have their BMWs, but you have your own BNW…black noodle woman mom.
    Sorry you don’t have one that looks better. At least you turned out cute!!! πŸ™‚

  2. Hahaha. I love the black noodles too! Yum yum. But yeah…Black day really does add insult to injury, huh? LOL. My favorite day in Korea was Teacher’s Day- at least you will be getting lotsa love from your students πŸ™‚ Miss you.

  3. Hey! It’s Cyn City from youtube. I’ve been reading the blog for a little while but always forget to drop a comment. lol But yeah I heard about the whole Valentines, White, Black day nonsense and I find it funny. I’m not a whole big love for Valentines day anyways so it sounds like Black Day would be my day. lol I started a blog if u want to check it out as well Good post as always. Pce!

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