Phoebe Keever

Archive for May 14th, 2009|Daily archive page

Week 53: Kinderest Kids

In South Korea on May 14, 2009 at 11:29 am

After 10 weeks working with Kinderest, maybe you think I don’t care or am keeping a secret; such is not the case. Sorry! Since moving to Seoul, posting weekly blogs has become a challenge since my computer is broken (not even at my house…where there is no internet anyway)…and there’s one computer in the building for 11+ teachers to share.

DSC00310 Nevertheless, it’s time you saw how CUTE my students are!

DSC00394During the regular school day, I teach one class of 11-5 year-olds…this is THREE years old international age!!! From 4-6pm I head 2 afterschool classes, with 6 and 9 kids, respectively. In one day I may teach 26 kids (international ages 3-5 years) letters and words of the alphabet, DSC01090cooking, art, DSC01045DSC01051


science, math, Bible songs, DSC00396sports and P.E. themes, and serve lunch–included positive promotion of fruits and veggies.

At the end of my morning class we sing, “The Goodbye Song.” After they all run and cling to my arms, waist, and legs saying “Gageema Ms. Keever, Gageema” (“Don’t go Ms. Keever, don’t go). There puppy dog eyes are adorable, as are their slimy and even snotty ‘po-po’s’ (smooches on the cheek).

My favorite Korean holiday is this week: Teacher’s Day!!! Just found out that public school’s actually close and give teacher’s a nice 3-day weekend. Last year I had just arrived to Korea and taught only 3 days but was showered with gifts. Not to sound greedy but it’s lovely to be showered with love and gifts and have a day to honor teacher’s and feel like a Queen for a day.

Ms Sarah & Ms Phoebe partner teachersHowever, my Korean partner teacher said it’s actually illegal or something of the sort for parents to give gifts because it may seem like bribary. Being that there aren’t grades for 3 year olds, I’m hoping that ‘rule’ is void kk^^

nuwon english village field trip (5)Anywho, aren’t my Seoul kids cute!? Still, I miss my Newtons in Busan. Hope I can see them again when I visit there.