Phoebe Keever

Archive for June, 2009|Monthly archive page

Week 59: 100-day

In South Korea on June 22, 2009 at 10:29 am

In Korea, 100-day anniversaries are a biggie. 100-days after a baby is born, a huge celebration (and huge wall portrait of baby) takes place. This is because historically, Korea had a lot of disease and death. Many babies died before their 100-day and sadly, stillbirths were frequent.

The 100-day spills over into other arenas as well. Whereas American couples celebrate their first date monthly, semi-annually, or annually (depending on the couple. In my case, every month is worth celebrating =D), Korean couples anticipate the 100-day and celebrate in a big way; it’s not uncommon to exchange rings. 100, 200, 300, and 1000-days are also celebrated. Personally, counting up all those days is too much trouble. After 100 days, I’ll stick to celebrating each month’s date since becoming ‘official.’

Couples have lots of other days to celebrate, too, besides the 100-day or annually. A rundown, to name a *few*:

  • January 14: Candle & Diary Day
  • February 14: Valentines Day
  • March 14: White Day (see prior blog for info)
  • April 14: Black Day…for singletons to hopefully meet someone whilst sadly hovering over their black plate of jajangmyeon noodles
  • May 14: Yellow/Rose Day…also for the singletons to eat (yellow) curry or be given a rose. I guess singletons are supposed to eat their heart out!
  • August 14: Green Day
  • November 11: Pepero Day
  • December 25: Christmas – Koreans celebrates this mostly as a HUGE couples day.
  • Birthdays
  • One year anniversary

To get more detail behind each celebration:

Week 58: Korean Weddings

In South Korea on June 19, 2009 at 9:35 am

Having been forewarned on Korean version of ‘western-inspired’ weddings, I was still excited to attend my first Korean wedding…having lived her 13 months already. It *was* similar in appearance: the wedding dress, the tuxedo, and the flowers. One sharp contrast that gave me a dose of culture shock was the noise level.


Towards the front the family members and relatives appeared quieter as the pastor rambled on in his monotone voice, but towards the back of the room you would have think you were at a social gathering…and not of the wedding kind. People were on their cell phones (and not whispering or running towards the door, either), friends were having full blown conversations–including laughter. If I didn’t know any better I’d say most were just waiting to be in the group picture or the reception (sans wedding cake), which comes immediately following the bride and grooms speedy walk down the aisle.


One difference I appreciated  is the bride and groom slowly and deeply bowing to each set of parents, signifying respect, right of passage, and a “sang-yoo” for giving me your son/daughter. Of course, this is just my opinion based on one wedding. This must be the seasons for weddings, though, because I’ll be attending another wedding this Sunday. Will update my post if there are differences between the two.

Week 56: Festivities

In South Korea on June 4, 2009 at 4:03 am

It’s amazing what a mini-vacation can do for the spirits.


A two hour train trip to Chuncheon one Sunday back led me to the Mime Festival. Thus: no words, no captions…

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David’s Surprise Birthday Luncheon

Also a success. Head count was 19 and there were a few witnesses that claimed he even dropped a tear while saying, “I’ve never had a surprise Birthday…anything…before. Wow. THANK YOU!”

David surprise Bday

Why the fiasco for his 28th? Well, If you know David, he’s probably helped you at one point or another and in some way like hooking up cell phone service, internet, helping buy a camera, Korean translation/teaching, tour guide, gym trainer, etc…So, it would be nice to celebrate his birthday in a special way.

CIMG0008 (3) Every one went around and recorded a dedication to David. It was great. Once, a friend –Vanak–threw me a party (dual party)–it was so sweet and never to be forgotten. Surprise parties are awesome. Hope one day I am actually surprised with a surprise Bday party 🙂

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FYI: I tested NEGATIVE for Swine flu but POSITIVE for tonsilitis 😦 Meds and rest for 3 days…