Phoebe Keever

Archive for September, 2009|Monthly archive page

Week 70: Club day

In South Korea on September 6, 2009 at 3:20 pm

Club day happens once a month, the last weekend each month, in Hongdae, Seoul. For 20.000Won (equivalent to about 20USD) one can frolick to and fro 21 different clubs all night long, to their hearts content, with simply one wristband and one drink-on-the-house coupon. 20Clubs in 1night (29)

Following is the Club day list:

  1. Evans
  2. Watercock
  3. FF
  4. Freebird 20Clubs in 1night (26)
  5. Spot
  6. Soundholic
  7. Live Club Ssam
  8. DGBD
  9. Hole
  10. M2
  11. Via
  12. JokerRed20Clubs in 1night (12)
  13. Tool
  14. Qvo
  15. Saab
  16. Hooper
  17. DD
  18. NB
  19. Ska2
  20. Myungwolgwan
  21. O.R

With the exception of #6 and #7, which respectively was way out of the way and closed before the usual 6AM closing of most clubs,  “Kboys and the Boss” hit up every place on the list. We felt like backpackers, continuously checking the map and starring the places we’d seen, but we definately got the best bang for the buck out of the thousands of party go-ers out that night. I’d put money on it we were the only ones to make the trekk to all ends of Hongdae to see what Club day had to offer.

20Clubs in 1night (22)20Clubs in 1night (33)20Clubs in 1night (35)20Clubs in 1night (15)

While hot spots like Q-Vo, NB, and M2 had lines stretching down the block, we made efficient use of our time by going to the lesser-known clubs with no line. When we needed a break we chilled at the absolutely dead spots, wisely making use of the free drink coupon without having to push and shove our way to the front, waving down the bartender. Then, while relaxing on plush couches normally reserved for V.I.P., we happily sipped away at our FREE fruit juice and iced-teas.