Phoebe Keever

Archive for October, 2009|Monthly archive page

week 71: Closing the Korea chapter

In South Korea on October 11, 2009 at 9:38 am

Sorry the last week of korea–the closing chapter–is being written well over the ‘week 71’ deadline. I’m traveling–a lot. The computers in SE Asia are mostly unreliable (ie slow) and frankly, I’m busy being on vacation! The last week of Korea was spent not working [:-)] but instead closing up shop here with a trip to the “hawaii of Korea” : Jeju island.

I’m on a time limit at the internet cafe and soon will be boarding a bus for a 23 hour journy, sans toilet. Following the motto: a picture is worth 1000 words…

On second thought, after 10 minutes trying to upload one foto and only being on 45% uploaded, it would be better if you just check out the (incomplete) facebook album. When I arrive home, heavy-duty photo sharing from each country is in order. Until then, just the words…