Phoebe Keever

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Same Same but Different Fall Update, 2009

In Uncategorized on December 1, 2009 at 6:21 pm

Same Same but Different

Genre: Adventure

Rating: NR. Mature Theme

Starring: Your girl, Phoebe Keever*

What: Backpacking South East Asia

When: Fall 2009

Where: Starting on Jeju island of Korea, flying off to Cambodia, then gallivanting across Thailand, Laos, Vietnam, bussin’ all day through Malaysia, Singapore, Indonesia, and finally arriving home in the USA after 19 months away.

Why:  ’cause that’s just how I roll.

The plot: Phoebe* ventures off on the journey of a lifetime. fulfilling a dream to visit Thailand and Vietnam, she gets more than she bargained for than just a pretty vacation. In 3 months, she discovers a whole ‘nother world. Although things may appear ‘Same, same’ things turn out different from expected.

Props: Red duffel bag used as a pseudo-traveler’s rucksack.

Special Effects: None! All stunts (ie. diving with Bull Sharks) are authentic from the leading star.

Wardrobe: Havaiana slippers, shorts, and shades.

Summary: Finishing up 16 months working in Korea, Phoebe sets out to the “Hawai’i of Korea” Jeju island. She plans to travel SE Asia–the trip of a lifetime–but a broken toe sets her back 2 weeks in Phnom Phen, Cambodia. From Bangkok surroundings riding Elephants, 4000 islands and Vang Vieng Tubing in Laos, to the harrowing and divided country of Vietnam, not even a bulleted checklist or itinerary could prepare them for the craziness that is South East Asia.

Although adventurous, on the grind daily of packing up, moving out, on, and forward has the two somewhat mangled. Arriving to the sunny Thai island of Koh Tao rekindled any tired spirits. With the pleasure of staying on a resort in exchange for taking SCUBA courses, Phoebe* ditches traveling through Malaysia and East side Thai islands to become an Advanced certified SCUBA diver. The trade-off? Diving with Bull sharks and sting rays.

The trip finishes off with Manta rays and sharks overhead in Singapore’s underwater tunnel and a glimpse into 2 of the 17,000 islands that make up Indonesia. Bali offered more great SCUBA diving as you’ll see the USS Liberty shipwreck and a reef-wall to one side and the great blue unknown to the other side. Caught in a current and scared, she calls to her buddy from 30 meters underwater. Will she escape the current and have the chance to visit Jakarta city on Java island and make it back to U.S.A. in time for Thanksgiving with the family? Watch the movie to find out. Flix and more stories to come soon.

Week 29: Rest In Peace

In Uncategorized on November 27, 2008 at 12:40 pm

As the school bell rang for me to teach class again, a week ago Thursday, the shocking news came via email: Amelia Fuka past away. After a gasp that turned every head in the room, immediately tears steamed down my cheeks. Standing outside my classroom speechless and blotting the endless flow of tears, I tried to regain composure; my students caught my state of disarray while peeking through the cracked door. There wasn’t enough time to grieve properly, and since Thursday I’ve felt confused and deeply saddened by the recent losses the Fuka family has faced.

Monday my best upper level student wrote me. As soon as the letter was opened, all the feelings immensified: pity, grief, sadness, confusion, and so forth. He told me his good friend, Kim Kyung Min, who is 16 years old just like himself, committed suicide. He wrote me asking what to do. He said he was confused and scared, couldn’t believe it until he went to the funeral. How could this have happened? He turned to me for answers.

I don’t think I can say the right thing to make it “all better,” ’cause it wont bring back that person. The only thing I can provide is what God has given and taught me: compassion and prayer. These I offered my agnostic student. For a week now I’ve been trying to think of things to say to the the Fuka family, especially Pastor Alex Fuka, Amelia’s husband and the Pastor who baptized me SDA, and Rene, their daughter: there’s nothing I can do but only lean on God. The only and best thing I can say of comfort are the words that God has taught me through His prayers and love.

Today is Thanksgiving. For one week now I’ve attempted to write Amelia Fuka’s dedication…the grief overpowers my words. Amelia Fuka is one of the most Christ-like examples of love and compassion. Upon her initial request, I happily called her ‘mom’ sometimes. Her sweet smile and Bible teachings she inadvertently taught me through her actions are etched in my mind. She invited me over for many sleepovers during the Sabbath, and we enjoyed our long conversations be the long drive from my house to hers or our rare but special phone conversations. Amelia always had “a good boy for me,” too.  I love Amelia Fuka very much. Last Thursday night and since, my nights are spend in prayers of Thanksgiving:

Thank you, Lord, for the opportunity I had to meet Amelia Fuka.

Thank you, Lord, for having such a great Christian roll model to look up to and have in the church family.

Thank you, Lord, for Amelia Fuka and all the lives she’s touch.

Thank you, Lord, for this time Amelia Fuka can sleep, can rest in peace until we all meet Jesus together at once during His second coming.

Right now is very difficult because the woman, the mother, the wife, the caretaker, the auntie, the Christian we all love and adore is no longer with us in this life on Earth. It’s hard to believe still; I keep thinking when I eventually return to the United States I’m going to call her and she’ll pick me up and we’ll have another Sabbath sleepover while she introduces me to her second, latest grandchild. Amelia Fuka, I love you so much. I pray for the Fuka family and the countless lives Amelia has touched will find some comfort under His wing and the promise of Eternity, where there will be no more tears and we will meet again. This, in Jesus name, I pray.

-Phoebe Hoa Keever

Thanksgiving, November 27th 2008