Phoebe Keever

Posts Tagged ‘buddha birthday 2009’

Week 52: It’s a Celebration!

In South Korea on May 8, 2009 at 3:26 pm

Spring time, in Korea, is a time for festivals, festivities, and celebrations. My friend, Justine, mimed in a performing arts festival:


There was a lantern festival to celebrate Buddha’s birthday. After seeing 10,000 lanterns I was ‘lantern’d out’…


The breathing, hissing dragon was the best partCIMG0037

but had to take this one for my mom, since it’s her favorite animal:


HOWEVER, 🙂 =) ;-p the awesome celebration is under the radar. It’s an anniversary. May 7, 2009 was my ONE YEAR ANNIVERSARY. I’ve been in Korea for one year now. Honestly, most of the year I planned my ‘escape’ on a daily basis. I was sure–and let everyone who beckoned the idea for me to stay in Korea a second year– that the second my 1 year anniversary arrives, I was running out of this country like a chicken with my head cut off.

CIMG0117 The reasons were many. Nevertheless, once I got past some painful experiences, I’ve been able to (slowly) feel positive results:

CIMG0118…and I aint just talking about Acupuncture. Despite being a mostly mountainous country

CIMG0043…I’ve still been sick way more than any other place or time in my life…honestly around 90% of the time. Yet, when the opportunity arrives to experience the country and people’s beauty…

CIMG0054 the resulting calming affect keeps me going just long enough.

No, I’m not certain of what career path I’ll be in for the rest of life.

No, I’m not a perfect Christian; my relationship does waver with my God.

No, I don’t have the Baywatch beach body after eating lots of Korean food.

No, I’m not a lot of things I wish I were, but I will say after having deeply considered and faced head-on many trails and tribulations this past year in Korea, I’m probably a “better me” than before, and that’s something to celebrate about.

By the way: I extended my contract another 4 months in Korea. There will be no chicken-with-the-head-cut-off running out of the country, but on the contrary I’m sure some tears will probably be shed when it’s time to say goodbye. Maybe ‘bittersweet’ is the result of perseverance.