Phoebe Keever

Posts Tagged ‘christmas’

Week 34: Christmas in KENYA

In Africa on January 3, 2009 at 7:57 am

Kenya has the most beautiful night sky I’ve ever seen. The milky way was just overhead and the stars were so close they sky seemed 3-D. Kenya is a beautiful country, with people to match. I quickly became obsessed with waving to every passer-byer; 19: 20 Kenyan’s waved back and smiled genuinely. Coming from the city we can’t do that without being referred to the psyche ward. Nice change.

Anyways, of the 500 flix and 50 vids I chose the best of for you, my love. Check out the videos on my youtube page:

I’m back, but I’m sick. Going to the doctor to find out what’s going on with me. Coming from an underprivileged region where malaria, Tuberculosis, contaminated dirty water, HIV/AIDS, etc. are abundant, you bet with my no-good symptoms I’m going to get checked up thoroughly. Will let you know the results.

Week 33: Christmas in Korea

In South Korea on December 22, 2008 at 5:13 am

I ❤ Christmas in Korea! The whole month marks Christmas season; everyone is merry and bright. Jingling bells can be heard near all the stores, everyone seems a little merrier than normal.  Even though snow is rare in Busan, kids are still anxious to talk about if it did snow, they would have snowball fights, build snowmen, etc… I’ll be out of the country on Christmas day, but I still felt the spirit of CHRISTmas very strongly this year. PTL!


Snow in Busan! First snow in years in this city! Glad to be here for this rare moment.


There’s always a line at Krispy Kreme to get your donut sample (although samples are sadly ending this year–they probably saw me on camera too much and thought I am taking away their profits lol). Even they have a Christmas tree.


The naturalist at the store gave me this for free to make tea with. Slippery Elm Bark, perhaps? It was too settle my weak, quivering stomach this past weekend.  What a kind man, showing his warm Christmas spirit.


Underground music. In the subway people sang Christmas Carols in English and Korean. Then, they passed out a cake to everyone in the audience and CHRISTmas CD. I got both. Right place at the right time. Cool. They were Christians from a church nearby.


Int’l Salvation Army bell chimes.


Christmas in Korea get’s creative.

