Phoebe Keever

Posts Tagged ‘Phoebe keever’

Same Same but Different Fall Update, 2009

In Uncategorized on December 1, 2009 at 6:21 pm

Same Same but Different

Genre: Adventure

Rating: NR. Mature Theme

Starring: Your girl, Phoebe Keever*

What: Backpacking South East Asia

When: Fall 2009

Where: Starting on Jeju island of Korea, flying off to Cambodia, then gallivanting across Thailand, Laos, Vietnam, bussin’ all day through Malaysia, Singapore, Indonesia, and finally arriving home in the USA after 19 months away.

Why:  ’cause that’s just how I roll.

The plot: Phoebe* ventures off on the journey of a lifetime. fulfilling a dream to visit Thailand and Vietnam, she gets more than she bargained for than just a pretty vacation. In 3 months, she discovers a whole ‘nother world. Although things may appear ‘Same, same’ things turn out different from expected.

Props: Red duffel bag used as a pseudo-traveler’s rucksack.

Special Effects: None! All stunts (ie. diving with Bull Sharks) are authentic from the leading star.

Wardrobe: Havaiana slippers, shorts, and shades.

Summary: Finishing up 16 months working in Korea, Phoebe sets out to the “Hawai’i of Korea” Jeju island. She plans to travel SE Asia–the trip of a lifetime–but a broken toe sets her back 2 weeks in Phnom Phen, Cambodia. From Bangkok surroundings riding Elephants, 4000 islands and Vang Vieng Tubing in Laos, to the harrowing and divided country of Vietnam, not even a bulleted checklist or itinerary could prepare them for the craziness that is South East Asia.

Although adventurous, on the grind daily of packing up, moving out, on, and forward has the two somewhat mangled. Arriving to the sunny Thai island of Koh Tao rekindled any tired spirits. With the pleasure of staying on a resort in exchange for taking SCUBA courses, Phoebe* ditches traveling through Malaysia and East side Thai islands to become an Advanced certified SCUBA diver. The trade-off? Diving with Bull sharks and sting rays.

The trip finishes off with Manta rays and sharks overhead in Singapore’s underwater tunnel and a glimpse into 2 of the 17,000 islands that make up Indonesia. Bali offered more great SCUBA diving as you’ll see the USS Liberty shipwreck and a reef-wall to one side and the great blue unknown to the other side. Caught in a current and scared, she calls to her buddy from 30 meters underwater. Will she escape the current and have the chance to visit Jakarta city on Java island and make it back to U.S.A. in time for Thanksgiving with the family? Watch the movie to find out. Flix and more stories to come soon.

week 71: Closing the Korea chapter

In South Korea on October 11, 2009 at 9:38 am

Sorry the last week of korea–the closing chapter–is being written well over the ‘week 71’ deadline. I’m traveling–a lot. The computers in SE Asia are mostly unreliable (ie slow) and frankly, I’m busy being on vacation! The last week of Korea was spent not working [:-)] but instead closing up shop here with a trip to the “hawaii of Korea” : Jeju island.

I’m on a time limit at the internet cafe and soon will be boarding a bus for a 23 hour journy, sans toilet. Following the motto: a picture is worth 1000 words…

On second thought, after 10 minutes trying to upload one foto and only being on 45% uploaded, it would be better if you just check out the (incomplete) facebook album. When I arrive home, heavy-duty photo sharing from each country is in order. Until then, just the words…

Week 69: Memoirs of a Missionary

In South Korea on August 31, 2009 at 3:01 am
Always envious of people who could bring souls to know Jesus, was very nervous about teaching religion class. God takes care of our needs, and blessed me in March-April with a wonderful and very special All Day Club. This is a club for select college age students to come together for 2 months to study English intensively at the church…so we teach English using the Bible. Wish more institutions did this…it’s a blessing for the teacher as well as the students. Anyways, none of my students said and I was pleasantly and tearfully surprised when I saw over half my All Day Club students, who I had taught Faith, Hope, and Love Religion Class to, get baptized.  The next four months didn’t teach a religion class, but many people were touched by my groups vesper’s presentation, including my very own sister, Shani. After she expressed interest in wanting to be baptized at the church. It’s stories like these that give Korea a special (love-hate) status. Bringing souls to know God’s love is powerful and addicting. I want more–hope my personal testimonies have even maybe touched a heart of a reader here. I am nobody or anybody more special than you or the person next to me…we’re all on the same boat. Just trying to respect each day…

The end of the two month religion class, wanted to evalute the pros and cons of my teaching style. The following are some responses to reflect. Praise God.

Religion Class Evaluation, April 2009

Please do NOT put your name on this paper so you can keep your anonymity. Please answer the questions fully and honestly. To improve my teaching style, your opinion counts! Thank you so much for being great All Day Club Member Students in Faith, Hope, and Love Religion class. It’s been a pleasure. J I love each one of you!

Faith, Hope, and Love is a religion class. What did you learn about Christianity, Religion, and/or God from this class?

  • I learned that God is love. And that love is best.
  • I don’t know what can I say about this class…but at least I could spend my times to think about God in this class. I’ve ever heard that love is sending times. I could spend my titmes with God in your class.
  • I learned about God. I learned how to believe Him and Love Him.
  • I learned about love. I knew about forgive. Now, I can forgive someone who did to do whatever to me.
  • I learned that God always love us. I coculd establish my faith.
  • Before religion class, I didn’t know love of God. but now I know little bit about love of God. God is creator, providere, diliverer. That’s why. God love people. so we have to love God.

-Class format alternated between Bible/Doctrine and the teacher’s autobiographical spiritual messages. Was sharing personal stories effective in teaching Faith, Hope, and Love? Which lessons were helpful?

  • I loved to hear your personal stories.
  • The first time of faith with your father’s story. I could be think about my father.
  • Sure. I think this class is very helpful to me. It’s easy to understand about God because you tell us your experience. it’s fun and easy to understand.
  • Yes. I draw lesson by your father story about Faith and Love.

-Was discussion time too long, too short, or just right? Were the discussion questions appropriate for the Faith, Hope, and Love Religion class theme?

  • I think the time is right. It’s good to me. and the questions appropriate too. I learned very much through our discussion.
  • I want to spend more time to discussion.
  • Too short. Yes, it was really appropriate.

-What was your favorite part of Religion class?

  • Love. I wanna knwo more about Love.
  • Heard your experience and saw your action. ^^
  • Discussion and real story.

-Did the teacher (Phoebe*) emit the spirit of Faith, Hope, and Love? Did the teacher create a comfortable class atmosphere?

  • Religion class was most comfortable. I like it’s atmosphere.
  • Sure. I am always comfortable. If the class uncomfortable, I not attend this class. But I love this class.
  • Yes. I always enjoy Phoebe’s class. Phoebe’s gesture is so cute! I could concentrate your class.
  • Yes. Youo mde us comfortable. Your explination is very fun because it contains funny action.
  • Yes. Always your class was fill up love.

-Did this class improve your English skill? What was most helpful in improving your English: listening to a native English speaker, vocabulary, reading comprehension, or conversation/discussion time?

  • I improve my English skill especially listening to a native English speaker. and I can know more vocab than before. Most important thing is that I am not araid foreigner.

_-Did this class increase your Faith, Hope, and Love? Did this class increase your spirituality? How or why not?

  • Yes. It exists aruond me almost every day.
  • I increase my faith, Hope, love, and spirituality. I think I try to lvoe everyone. and I try to express everyone.
  • It was chance to change my thoughts. Now, I’m able to believe existence of God.
  • This class increase my sprituality. Before this class I was confuse about God, but after this class, I establish my mind.
  • Yes. I could increase my spirituality by your story and another people real story.

-Would you like to learn more about the Bible, Christianity/Religion, or SDA? What specifically do you want to know more about?

  • I want to know about the Bible. I want to know about God through the Bible.
  • I want more knowledge about Bible.
  • I want to learn more Bible. I want to know more about God.

-Please give one suggestion to help improve my future religion classes.

  • I satisfied your class. I like your friendly character. You should keep your smile.
  • Keep going on your class style.
  • I satisfied your class. It’s really good.

-Additional Comments:

  • Thank you for your teaching. Because of yoru morning class I started thinking about Jesus.
  • Thank you Phoebe<3. I learned many things from you. I am so happy I can study with you. It was very valuable time to me. I remember you forever. Thank you Thank you so much. I love you. “See you tomorrow”
  • I love you.
  • Phoebe~<3 Thank you so much your concern. and I’m satisfied with your religion class. I think your class and you will remain forever in my mind. Do your best to excercise (jump rope ^^); I hope for you to lose your weight what you want. See you tomorrow~
  • Thank you Phoebe. I’m very happy to learn from you. I remeber you. See you soon~
  • I love you. I couldn’t forget you!

Thank you so much! I wish you the best in life. Remember we are God’s children and He loves us. You can always go to Him for help. Pray for Faith, Hope, and Love. God will listen to your prayers; He will answer your prayers in His time and in His way.

Week 68: Gosu Cave n’ River Rafting

In South Korea on August 24, 2009 at 11:16 am

Saturday Aug 15

Traveling on holidays in Korea: Not recommended. What should have been a 2 hour trip to Danyang became a long 5 hour, stop-n-go, busted AC-sweaty trip. Once stuck in traffic, was told it was a ‘red day:’ Independence Day. Millions upon millions of South Koreans squished into a small country, all traveling on the same day is…ummm…an experience. Pushy ajumas, lines way out the bathroom door, knocking (banging) on the bathroom door as soon as you get inside…try to travel on non-red days.

Gosu Cave: AMAZING. Always loved secret hide aways, including caves, and this one was no exception. It was great, even with my broken toe. Half the time I was carried me whenever their were stairs (do to my broken toe); it was good for me, hope it was good for him, lolz.

Gosu Cave in Danyang.korea (22)Gosu Cave in Danyang.korea (28)Gosu Cave in Danyang.korea (66)

Gosu Cave in Danyang.korea (90)Gosu Cave in Danyang.korea (101)

Gosu Cave in Danyang.korea (74)

Birthday Party #5! : My friend in Bonghwa hooked me up with a lovely ice cream cake for my Birthday. Last time we hung out, we couldn’t have ice cream together b/c I was ‘on lent.’ So we made a promise to each other for ice cream next time around…so he fulfilled the promise, in style 🙂 No flix, but there’s a video. I also said in a conversation I loved Japanese food, so on the way back to the house he ran out of the car and came back with a huge platter of sashimi.

River rafting, s korea

Sunday August 16

Dentist : William is not only a great host, he’s also a talented dentist and hooked up my sister with a dental exam; lucky her–it had been 2 years since her sister in Cuba hooked it up.

fun in bonghwa, s korea (28)

Rafting: SO AWESOME! Everyone told me to stay back and rest b/c of my broken toe, but you know I’m much to adventurous for that. I would have been completely jealous had I not gone. The guide was good and pulled aside so I can plop in the water before he overturned the boat and everyone in it! Because of my injury, when we past bigger rapids, the guide had me sit in the middle. Since the front middle seat was lower, the rapid became a wave and completely covered my head. Hurt my toe a bit but rafting was definitely worth a little pain (so long as the toe is not more broken!)

River rafting, s korea (10)River rafting, s korea (32)River rafting, s korea (27)River rafting, s korea (29)

Week 67: 24th Birthday Bash!!

In South Korea on August 17, 2009 at 2:13 pm

1 Bday card BOOK from my Kinders, 4 cakes, 5 parties, 7 “Happy Birthday’s,” lots of Facebook Birthday wishes, and 50 people later , would have to say my 24th Bday was fabulous! It wasn’t just this record number of cakes that made this Bday memorable, it was all the people! 5 parties…wow. It’s a special thing to be and feel so loved ❤ THANK YOU EVERYONE for all your Love ❤

(BTW:: lots of flix but mostly on friend’s cameras and have yet to compile a bunch…so for now, giving you the basics. Check my webshots page in a bit for more party flix 🙂

The cakes:  banana bread cake, Cheesecake, Blueberry yogurt cake, and ice cream cake.

Phoebe's 24th Bdayx4 in Korea (23)Phoebe's 24th Bdayx4 in Korea (34)

IMG_0793July-Aug SDA Bday Cake Sadly, no flix of the decadent ice cream cake (got a video, though). 4cakes + 1, though. At SDA in Busan, they had July-August Bdays. So guess all in all had 5 cakes!

The Parties:  Adult classes set up a party, My Kinderest celebrated with some treats I provided, SDALI Seoul Main teachers made a surprise party for me, and during my mini-vacation weekend getaway my friend hooked it up wtih a heart shaped 1/2 very berry/1/2 choco bonbon and party with friends at his house. ASA!

Phoebe's 24th Bdayx4 in Korea (6) (Some of) My 8AM level 2 English Class students:  Steven, Twinkle, Ms. Keever, Michelle, Candy, Class Captian Noh

Phoebe's 24th Bdayx4 in Korea (42) (some of my) 9AM students: Lindsey, Betty (I named her :), Abbey, Jennis, Co-captain Judy, Class captian Hanna, Ms. Keever, Carrick, sister Shani.

Phoebe's 24th Bdayx4 in Korea (63) 5yr (3yr int’l age) Kinder class L->R: Brain, Ms. Lee, Justin, Casey giving me a Bday po-po, Ms. Keever, David and Benjamin fighting to sit on my lap, Hannah, Rachel, Lia (Mimi went to Jeju-do but wished me well 🙂

IMG_3477 Seoul Main teachers, staff, church members, and English language students surprised me at Ti-Amo cafe.

IMG_3715 This wasn’t the party, but these are the party ppl the next day (minus Jeff who had to take off early). Note the sunburn on my arms~~you’ll know why in next week’s blog 🙂 SO FUN!

Week 66: Busan after 6months

In South Korea on August 13, 2009 at 11:54 am


After 7 hours in transit, we arrive to Sajik for the Lotte Giants Baseball game, as the English foreigner’s website stated. Unfortunately, we were mislead. The baseball game was in Masan–another city. Fortunately we were staying wtih the family I once tutored and they lived in Sajik. They are movie buffs. A.J. wasted no time telling me of the show time of the movie that JUST came out in theaters: G.I. Joe. Even with the game cancelled, things worked out b/c G.I. Joe was off the chain! 2 hour’s I was gripping the armrest, practically a 3D in-your-face action movie. IMHO, it’s better than Transformer’s II..and that was off the hook, as well!

Stephanie sajik


A.J. and Steph’s mom cooked us up a huge, scrumptious korean breakfast. The parents wrapped up my foot with a plastic bag to keep my bandages dry and kindly drove us to the subway stop, so I wasn’t hobbling down the hill 3x longer than it normally takes.

In Hwamyeong-dong, my old neighborhood and KJC workplace, we met up with my Sanso Spa friends. Remember a looooong time ago  I posted flix of the Spa that’s suppose to help you loose weight? Promised a testimony: it doesn’t work. I wish I paid only 1 day’s worth and used the hundreds of dollars for other pampering things, but hey, it’s still a great deal compared to U.S. prices.

Makayla and emma hwamyeong-dong (2) Makayla and emma hwamyeong-dong (13)

After taking out $$$ from my Busan Bank, Shani snatched a picture of her new love, the Bank security guard. For 30minutes she was harrassing him and blushing; oh for the days of teenage infatuation.

Makayla and emma hwamyeong-dong (18)

Very packed schedule, could barely catch a break (but all well worth it). Met up with an ex-SDALI student and KJC co-worker who sat just beside me in the office. Aileen taught Shani a Korean hand clap, “se se se,” which Shani quickly picked up and has held her status of undefeated champ since.


Sky, Pastor Ham’s wife, offered for us to sleep on the floor in her house provided we don’t mind the “mess.” Mind you this is coming from the mouth of an East Asians. I’m going to be stereotypical, but most Americans know Asian-American’s keep their house spick and span. Regardless, Shani said Sajik families floor and Pastor’s families floor beats out sleeping on my bedroom’s floor (in Seoul) anytime. I try to assimilate, but the Korean’s are pros and camping out on the heated floors. Took some tips and will buy more padding next time ’round 🙂

Sky, Ps Ham, Sajinim, Hyungoh SDA Seomyeon (21) Sky, Ps Ham, Sajinim, Hyungoh SDA Seomyeon (14) Sky, Ps Ham, Sajinim, Hyungoh SDA Seomyeon (1)


We came back to SDA church on the perfect weekend: they hooked up July and August Birthday babies with cake and a present. Free pair of socks–awesome. Also, the cream/frosting/icing on cakes in Korea are da bomb, unlike the sugary, pasty, way-too-sweet icing on the cakes from back home.

July-Aug SDA Bday Cake

One last meal with Sky (I LOVE her! Such a pure heart <3) and one last flix, for now. Many teachers and church members already ask when I’ll be back…and I consider the winter and summer terms, but we shall see how it all goes downSky, Ps Ham, Sajinim, Hyungoh SDA Seomyeon (5).

Professor Palmer. He knows more about my life in Korea than anybody. He’s been there through heartache, stress, sickness, drama, legalities….a bunch of crap. Bob (Palmer) has always offered an ear and sound advice. It was great to catch up a bit with him and see his family again.

Bob, Calvin, Megan Palmer Haeundae (14) Bob, Calvin, Megan Palmer Haeundae (9)

We were all pleased that Calvin took such a liking to Shani. Calvin has autism and doesn’t bond well with kids his age. Shani won him over, though, as they were wave jumping.

After a day on the most popular beach in Korea, Haeundae, an all you can eat meal, and hours of conversations, Megan Palmer dropped us off to Vesta jimjilbang, famous for being able to look out over the ocean–completely naked. My kind of spa, hehehe. And for $8 bucks to boot. Really gonna miss the prices when back stateside…but by golly at least “American” food (meaning virtually any food we eat back home) wont be 3x as expensive. Oatmeal: $15. Robbery.

Vesta jimjjilbang Haeundae (13) Sweating out all the toxins and pollutants.

Vesta jimjjilbang Haeundae (5)Vesta jimjjilbang Haeundae (1)Vesta jimjjilbang Haeundae (2)


By the time we finished spa treatment, it was 3AM. We went to find a place to sleep, but I found it strange people were camping out in front of the lockers. When we went upstairs to the common area, it was clear why. Vesta spa turned into a refugee camp. People were slung over chairs, sleeping under tables, on the stairs, in front of the elevator, anywhere 2 spare feet could be found. It was quite a sight, but refrained from taking pictures out of respect (and not wanted to get yelled at by hundreds of people woken up by the camera’s flash). We, too, joined the campers in front of our lockers and by 6AM were able to snag a spot on the floor in the woman’s common area. After that, it was a loooong trip home.

shani's newly plucked eyebrows

Seoul has lots of things to do, being one of the biggest cities in the world. However, Busan is my Korean hometown and has a special place in my little <3. Glad Shani got the opportunity to check out Korea’s #2 biggest city. She likes Busan more, as well.

Week 65: Broken Toe :(

In South Korea on August 13, 2009 at 10:46 am

After two weeks out (one week practicing lines for the Vespers drama, the second week sick with two ear infections,etc.) I was back in action. Warm-up: stetch to the left, now the right, switch again, and CRACK! My sister came down hard on my toe. She fell at such an angel that my poor pinky toe stuck out at a 90degree angel. Ok..maybe not 90degrees…you know I like to spice things up…but at least a 45degree. Heard the CRAAACK! before I felt the pain.Taekwondo master said, “wait 5,10 minutes then come join us again; you’ll be fine.”

Waited more like 25minutes and then gently attempted a kick. Nuh-uh. No way. Not gonna happen. My butt sat out the rest of the 3 hours and, despite both masters asurring me tomorrow my toe would be back to normal like new, I felt my TKD days had just came to an end.

broken toe in shower

A typhoon was coming as we were traveling to Busan. Fortunately, the father of the family friends we were staying with happened to be a DR. Thus, I could fully take off the splint and wash properly since he would redo everything. So before heading out in the rain, he re-splinted me up and wrapped some plastic around my foot so as to not get the splint/material wet.

Sky, Ps Ham, Sajinim, Hyungoh SDA Seomyeon (17) Second night Pastor Ham, my Busan pastor, played Doctor. Telling him of my sob story  from the first night when I taped a bag around my foot, only for water to seep in, he showed me a trick from when he was injured. Put a towel around the ankle so any water will be absorbed there! Genius.

CIMG0121 Finished product. Worked like a miracle. However, when I went home and replicated it, a HUGE pool of water dragged the sack down. Took of the bandages and splint, let ’em dry off during the night, and just let my foot breath (as opposed to molding!)

The incident was Monday, August 3rd. Didn’t go to the Dr. until Wednesday, August 5th…as there was no improvement and a growing bruise creeping up my foot was freaky. Today, August 13, went to the Dr. again and got the Xray. No improvement. I asked him to give his honest opinion regarding my travel plans, which I’ve been planning to commence September 1st.

For the next 3 weeks I will wear a regular splint. After, I will get a ‘baby’ splint that will hopefully allow by foot to fit into some kicks. The baby splint is to be worn for 3 weeks, totaling 7 weeks of hobble-life.  Why so long, you may ask? The bone is broken almost all the way through…if I push it before it’s ready it may be all that’s needed to break it all the way through. This being my first broken bone, I’d rather take it easy than end up having to go through the process twice, especially since my feet are the #1 body part I’ll need for my backpacking trip–tons of walking!

((Sigh)) On top of hobble-life, got some emails back from Vietnam today that didn’t seem optimistic regarding volunteering in an orphanage. When I was independently searching volunteer ops in Peru, I had the same experience. Took weeks before managed to find something on the other side of the country (I did go there).  However, I scheduled aside 2 weeks volunteering in (most likely) Hanoi. My travel partner will be ready to go mid-September and wants me to wait so we can go together.  Right now, looks like that may just be the wisest choice…

Week 63: Special Guest Interview!!

In South Korea on July 25, 2009 at 1:20 pm

First Impressions on Korea INTERVIEW

Interviewee: Shani Plunkett, Phoebe*s younger sister

Interviewer: Phoebe Keever, Shani’s big sister

  • Shani, what was your first impression upon arrival to Korea?

when i went to church this week i went to a Korean one and i couldn’t understand  a word. a lady who sat next to me asked me i could understand, if i was catholic, and if the had lots of catholics and church is USA. i told her no the 1st and yes to the last 2. she was surprised. did you know that 35% of Korean population is christian?? they have the coolest thing 2. every church has a steeple. and the cross on the steeple glows neon red at night. so if you were in a tall building at night and looked out you could see all these red crosses.. it is soo cool!

the weather.. uh it reminds me of Portland rainy a lot and somedays not. no i didn’t sing the pray but we do say a pray at EVERY meal.. the mud festival was sooo cool.. we woke up at 7 that morning got ready and went to the max to meet David then we took the max to the bus terminal and rode the bus to a city where his mom lived. his mom picked us up from the terminal and drove us to her house. then we went from there to the festival. there were soo many Americans there is was crazy. yeah i got muddy.. i got a free bar of mud soap to.. we did mud wrestling which was really fun… everybody was tackling everybody… then we swam in the  ocean and took a shower from the fallen coins we found in the girls locker room.. the we went to go eat something before the fireworks started. we ate bi bim bop which is rich with lots of vegetables and fish. i was really good.. the fireworks were amazing!!!

  • You are now in the Eastern world. What are the similarities and differences between the Eastern and Western worlds?

Um… skinny  jeans… cell phones.. not a lot.. the question is right… they are 2 different worlds!!

  • How about the food?

very very spicy!! but if you can get past the spice to food is very good.

  • What has been your experience in Korea thus far?

i have been sick with an ear infection…  wet from the constant rain… stared at from my afro!! but fun things to… went to the mud festival!! the people are nice here!

  • July 16th you had your 13th Bday in Seoul, Korea. What happened?


my birthday was so much fun. i went to school with phoebe and one of her adult students bought me a cheesecake which is expensive. then i went to Kinderest with her and this little girl named Casey told me she loved me.. when it was time to go she didn’t want me to then started to come with us.. it was so cute!! then we exchanged 2 travelers checks. the we to toke the subway to children’s grand park.. we walk around for 4 hours!! we saw lots of animals.. the monkeys were really cool.. they had there hands sticking out from the cage and clapped there hands for food.. then someone there them something and they caught it!! then we threw them some sunflower sed and they caught those also!! after the children’s grand park we came home and i took a shower after a 30 min. of rubbing my sore feet.. then david came over and we had baked potatoes and chili for dinner and ice cream cake that david bought for dessert. then we watched a movie called Accepted.

  • What will you take away with you from this experience?

maybe some Korean! =D

  • The above answer is a complete understatement. You didn’t mention you read the Korean book for one hour and afterwards could read Korean completely. You are so clever! Good jobs, Shanz. It took me (shamefully) 8 months to fully read Korean. How about the neighborhood? and the house?

phoebes house is super super super small. she was mad a me once and we were in the kitchen. after i was done doing what i was doing i said i was going to the room and then we bust out laughing cause it was only 3 steps away. today somebody killed a cat then put in front of the apartment door outside. it was soo sad and gross. um… there are some crazy people!!

  • You’ve only been here 2 weeks, but how have you changed thus far?

i lost some weight!! yea!! my first night of tae-kwon-do was a lot of fun. the teacher said i was really good. phoebe said i would be sore in the morning but i’m not.. i think she is a little jealous because she was sore after her first couple of days. i will probably be sore tomorrow though.

  • boys, boys, boys. Girls gotta love the boys. What do you think of the Korean boys?

some are kinda cute!

  • What has been your favorite memory thus far? What is there still left to do?

my fav memory is my bday… we still have to go to some more amusement parks!!

OK…then hop to it, girl. Hope your time is filled with the best memories ever and you have an experience of a lifetime.

peace out ppl!! i’m out! =D

Week 62: Mud Festival

In South Korea on July 17, 2009 at 7:26 am

IMG_3260 (67)Before: so excited for the annual Boryeong Mud Festival (MF). Last year in Korea the MF was the highlight of my 2008 year in Korea….it was so much fun but I didn’t have a camera and my friend broke his phone is the ocean…so no evidence. This year my younger sister came from USA to spend her summer vacation in Korea with me and we checked out the MF for the first time.

During: as always, so much fun.

IMG_3260 (11) IMG_3260 (24)

Mud Wrestling–>IMG_3260 (63) IMG_3260 (47)

to mud flix–>IMG_3260 (42)

to just being muddy!–>IMG_3260 (38)

The MudFestival was an awesome muddy mess.

There were also many star sightings from performances with famous Korean people ( “she’s a so so so so so famous. Every Korean knows her”) like the famous Misuda women.–>IMG_3260 (114)

After:  First the rain helped. Secondly, we rinsed off in the ocean. IMG_3260 (79)Lastly, we found 500 won coins on the ground which in turn paid for our outdoor, spine chilling, beach showers. we all 3 were fighting for a spot in the outdoor shower, trying to pour shampoo into our hands and rub conditioner onto our heads, and scrub a dub rub all the mud off our bodies as fast as possible before our 500 won timed shower turned off. There were plenty of onlookers–not sure if they were giving up props for braving the cold water in the cold weather in the rain in public, laughing at how silly we looked making a spectacle of ourselves, were slightly jealous they weren’t as adventures, or even a little perverted–but whatever, we were shiny and clean afterwards…and we did it for FREE with 3 500 won coins we scouted on the ground. We went into town and Shani had her first Bi Bim Bop and loved it. (minus the rain) couldn’t have been better. IMG_3260 (6)

Week 61: I’m Germinating! =D

In South Korea on July 8, 2009 at 4:41 am

May 6th, 2009 started ITF Taekwon-do in Seoul, South Korea.  2 months (and -4 kilos) later, Sabumnim (Korean: master) called me up front. He untied the white belt and replaced it with the yellow. I was so excited, happy, and maybe a tad bit proud. =D

CIMG0293 CIMG0294 I’m not ‘pure’ anymore, I’m ‘germinating’!

Goodbye ‘innocence’! lol. Flix taken after 90minutes of sweating it out in class.  Aafter 2 months intense ITF training with Sabumnim, received the yellow belt. Leslie (USA) spotted the yellow belts at the start of class but was careful not to spill the beans. I was surprised, since I had mistakenly thought I was getting the yellow belt during the special class last Sunday.

The past 2 months I’ve gone to TaeKwon-do classes religiously, for an hour and a half each class, usually 4 times per week (avg. 20 classes/month). Here’s a rundown of the belts’ significance:

  • White = pure, innocence
  • Yellow = germinating (developing roots).
  • Green = growth
  • Blue = Sky
  • Red = Sun
  • Black = darkness (sin, death. These people’s skills are lethal).

ITF stands for International Taekwon-do Federation. The popular sport and one in the Olympics is WTF, or World Taekwon-do Federation. Naturally I have a bias, but look up the two…ITF is the winner in my book…and I got a yellow belt to show for it. ;p