Phoebe Keever

Posts Tagged ‘Robert Bob Palmer’

Week 25: SDA Busan Church Family

In South Korea on October 27, 2008 at 5:56 am

International Family 🙂

It’s no doubt the church family has really kept me grounded (literally) in Korea. After weeks of whirl-wind craziness in the workplace, the Sabbath rest truly is a blessing and that rest I very much need. Week after week, I would end the Sabbath super-refreshed and recharged. Church and especially spending quality time with church family has been the biggest weekly blessing received in Korea. I’m so grateful there are church members I can turn to any day for spiritual support and advice.  What may seem like a small action really can have the biggest impacts on our lives. The Adventist church family teaches the truth in love (reference to the Acapella song–check it out, it’s def worth the listen) and for that Mahalo, mucho amor, and thanks for helping to shape my continually growing faith.

The church fam on a picnic early summer

Remembering the first day entering an SDA church, SDA members have always been really friendly and filled with a lot of love.

A language student, Prof Palmer, and Charlie on a Busan beach.

It’s nice to be able to hang out with church fam outside of church as well. Here we went to a buffet for dinner after spending the whole sabbath at Haeundae beach.

The Pastor’s Wife, Sky, and I. For whatever reason when I travel internationally the pastors wife and I always become very close 🙂

Church sister, Anna Kang, Me, Megan and her husband Bob Palmer