Phoebe Keever

Posts Tagged ‘White Belt’

Week 61: I’m Germinating! =D

In South Korea on July 8, 2009 at 4:41 am

May 6th, 2009 started ITF Taekwon-do in Seoul, South Korea.  2 months (and -4 kilos) later, Sabumnim (Korean: master) called me up front. He untied the white belt and replaced it with the yellow. I was so excited, happy, and maybe a tad bit proud. =D

CIMG0293 CIMG0294 I’m not ‘pure’ anymore, I’m ‘germinating’!

Goodbye ‘innocence’! lol. Flix taken after 90minutes of sweating it out in class.  Aafter 2 months intense ITF training with Sabumnim, received the yellow belt. Leslie (USA) spotted the yellow belts at the start of class but was careful not to spill the beans. I was surprised, since I had mistakenly thought I was getting the yellow belt during the special class last Sunday.

The past 2 months I’ve gone to TaeKwon-do classes religiously, for an hour and a half each class, usually 4 times per week (avg. 20 classes/month). Here’s a rundown of the belts’ significance:

  • White = pure, innocence
  • Yellow = germinating (developing roots).
  • Green = growth
  • Blue = Sky
  • Red = Sun
  • Black = darkness (sin, death. These people’s skills are lethal).

ITF stands for International Taekwon-do Federation. The popular sport and one in the Olympics is WTF, or World Taekwon-do Federation. Naturally I have a bias, but look up the two…ITF is the winner in my book…and I got a yellow belt to show for it. ;p